出版社:Niğde Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dekanlığı
摘要:Recently, the number of studies in which the elastic modulus of different concrete is estimated has continuously increased. In this study, a reference article dealing with concrete containing pumice aggregate was chosen from the literature. The elastic moduli of the pumice concretes given in the reference article were predicted by using 10 empirical and 10 composite models with the aid of mixture proportions, compressive strengths and unit weights of those pumice concrete series. The performances of mentioned empirical and composite models for predicting the elastic moduli of pumice aggregate concretes were evaluated by comparing the predicted elastic moduli with the experimental elastic moduli reported in the reference paper. It was tried to determine the most appropriate model for the prediction of elastic moduli of pumice aggregate concretes. The error percentages between predicted elastic moduli and the experimental elastic moduli were discussed, and a general evaluation about the moduli of elasticity of pumice aggregate concrete was reported. Keywords: Composite models, empirical models, modulus of elasticity, pumice aggregate concretes