出版社:Niğde Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dekanlığı
摘要:In this work, free vibration characteristics of cross-ply laminated composite plates have been studied with varying anisotropy properties. Plates have been assumed to have varying thickness, aspect ratio and elasticity modulus ratios. In the analysis, first, kinematic relations of strains and deformations have been obtained. Then, using Hamilton’s principle, the governing differential equations have been obtained for general plates. In the next step, stress-strain relation for laminated, cross-ply composite plates has been given. By means of some assumptions and simplifications employing Fourier series as a displacement field, differential equations for plates been written and solved in matrix form. Employing the computer algebra system called MATHEMATICA, a computer program has been prepared for the solution. The results obtained by this solution have been given in the form of tables and graphs. The example problems have been solved also by (ANSYS) programs, which are based on the finite element method (FEM), and compared with the previous ones. Keywords: Laminated composite, plate, free vibration, anisotropy, thickness