标题:Sworn Translators’ and Interpreters’ Assessment. Literature Review and Analysis of the Information of Candidates for Certification and Recruitment Examinations
摘要:This article sets out to reveal the lack of standardisation and rigour in the field of translation assessment and its implications on candidates for translator's certification or recruitment examinations. A brief review of translation assessment literature is followed by a practical analysis of the information provided to candidates in three different examination procedures: examinations for the certification as a Sworn Translator, organised by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs; examinations for the Chartered Institute of Linguists “Diploma in Translation;” and recruitment competitions for translators in the European Commission. Received: 30-07-08/ Accepted: 15-01-09 How to reference this article: Ordonez Lopez, P. (2009). La evaluación de traductores e intérpretes jurados. Revisión teórica y análisis del tratamiento informativo de los candidatos a pruebas de acreditación y selección. Íkala . 14(1), pp.59-81.
关键词:translation assessment;quality standards;assessment models;translators certification examinations;recruitment competitions;evaluación en traducción;estándares de calidad;sistemas de evaluación;pruebas de acreditación;pruebas de selección;évaluation en traduction;standards de qualité;systèmes d'évaluation;épreuves de certification;concours de sélection.