摘要:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between physical activity and gender. Seven-hundred-and forty-three women and 246 men of 50-79 years of age, and accustomed to practicing physical activity were evaluated. In locations with professional supervision (LPS) for physical activities, females were the majority (88.7%). In locations without professional supervision (LWS), the percentages were similar: men (49.7%) and women (50.3%). The majority of men practiced physical activities at LWS and were sufficiently active (SA) considering physical activity level classification. For women, the percentages were similar: insufficiently active (IA) represented 52.0% and SA (48.0%). The differences between gender that accompany physical practice during the aging process can be explained, in part, by historical and social analyses. Men and women experience aging in different ways and have different interests. These differences should be considered in the planning, execution and evaluation of programs for this population. Key words: Aging. Motor Activity. Gender Identity.