摘要:Abstrak Masyarakat membutuhkan produk kosmetik herbal berbahan alami dan tidak berbahaya bagi kesehatan, termasuk shampo penghilang ketombe. Saat ini harga shampo herbal relatif mahal. Di sisi lain, limbah kulit jeruk nipis banyak ditemukan di berbagai tempat, seperti kedai jus dan warung makan. Jeruk nipis secara kimia memiliki unsur-unsur senyawa yang dapat menghilangkan ketombe. Kulit jeruk nipis juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai penghilang ketombe. Berbagai variasi shampo anti ketombe dapat ditemui di pasar. Namun, shampo herbal berbahan baku kulit jeruk belum ada di pasar. Hal tersebut menjadi peluang untuk mendirikan usaha shampo kulit jeruk. Tujuan PKM-K ini adalah memproduksi dan memasarkan shampo kulit jeruk bernama SKUTER. SKUTER berukuran 100 ml dijual dengan harga Rp 9.000 sehingga terjangkau oleh semua lapisan masyarakat. Segmen pasar SKUTER adalah remaja dan orang dewasa. Strategi pemasaran yang digunakan mempertimbangkan bauran pemasaran. Promosi dilakukan melalui media online maupun offline. Rata-rata penjualan yang meningkat merupakan bukti bahwa SKUTER dapat diterima masyarakat. SKUTER ini sangat prospektif dan layak dijadikan usaha yang mampu meningkatkan nilai jual limbah kulit jeruk nipis. Kata kunci: kulit jeruk nipis, SKUTER, ketombe SKUTER: WASTE OF LIME PEELS SHAMPOO AS DANDRUFF REMOVER Abstract Society needs herbal cosmetic made from natural and not harmful substances to health, including anti-dandruff shampoo. Currently the price of herbal shampoo is relatively expensive. On the other hand, waste of lime peels are found in many places, such as juice shops and food stalls. Limes have elements that can eliminate dandruff. Lime peels can be used to reduce dandruff. A wide varieties of anti-dandruff shampoo can be found in the market. However, herbal shampoo made from lime peels is still rarely found. It is an opportunity to establish business of lime peels shampoo. PKM-K program goals are to produce and to market the anti-dandruff shampoo that is made from lime peels. The shampoo is named SKUTER which is 100 ml, the price of SKUTER is IDR 9,000. It makes the shampoo affordable by all levels of society. SKUTER market segments are teenagers and adults. The marketing strategy which is used is considering the marketing mix. Promotion is done through online and offline media. The average sales which are increasing is an evidence that SKUTER can be accepted by the society. SKUTER is very prospective and worthy of effort that it is able to increase the value of lime peels waste. Keywords: lime peels, SKUTER, dandruff