出版社:Universidad de Jaén. Servicio de Publicaciones
摘要:The objective of this work is to present a first classification of the early medieval pottery production in Tortosa, between 7th and 10th centuries. This record come from two years of archaeological fieldwork carried out in the southern Catalan territories, as well as the review of the museum collections. Pottery productions are one of the key factors in historical research, due to its own abundance in archaeological sites. They can provide valuable information about the chronology and social organisation of archaeological sites as well as a better understanding of territorial dynamics. Despite the limitations of survey methods in order to study pottery productions, most of them not linked to an archaeological context, we tried to establish a preliminary study scheme. Lacking previous works, it was necessary this first classification for the purpose of provide a useful guide to help in the large amount of archaeological excavations carried out in Tortosa’s region. Beyond its practical application, the influence of this record in the knowledge of al-Andalus Islamisation process is analysed throughout the text. Keywords: