出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The sword found in a house at the Bronze Age settlement of Peñalosa (Baños de la Encina, province of Jaén) is the only example from a domestic context in the El Argar culture. We analize the circumstances of the discovery, and discuss the results of the various analyses that have been performed. Finally, we compare the Peñalosa find to other contemporaneous swords from the Iberian Peninsula and discuss whether the role of Argaric weapons was symbolic or functional.
关键词:Sword;Bronze Age;Argar Culture;Iberian peninsula;Western Mediterranean;Rumblar River basin;Eastern Sierra Morena;Archaeometallurgy;Chaîne opératoire;Armas;Edad del Bronce;Cultura de El Argar;Península Ibérica;Mediterráneo occidental;Cuenca del Rumblar;Sierra Morena oriental;Arqueometalurgia;Cadena operativa