期刊名称:Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca "Julio de Urquijo"
出版社:Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca "Julio de Urquijo"
摘要:An unknown testimony of the Gipuscoan dialect is shown in the following pages; an anonymous text from the 18th century that shows this variety of the Basque language, as it was spoken at the time in the Urola Valley, although it is true that some of the features of the language used in this text seem not to belong to the mentioned variety. For this reason some other texts from the same time and place have been taken into consideration, specially one attributed to Larramendi (1737), which shows many features in common with the text analized in this paper, although it shows no feature that would make it attributable to the already mentioned Larramendi. In fact this text is totally deprived from the particularities -some already present in the 1737 text- that from the 18th century onwards will shape what we nowadays know as Gipuscoan literary dialect. Following a short introduction -throughout the article- the major characteristics of the text are mentioned, followed by the transcription of the text with the corresponding additional notes.