出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:In this paper we present the amphitheatre of the Roman town of Contributa Iulia , in the northwest of the Baetica Province. Initially the building was identified by the combined application of several non-destructive techniques. Test excavations confirmed the hypothesis of previous survey campaigns, allowing a preliminary architectonical analysis of this new study case, that we can add to previously known amphitheaters of the Iberian Peninsula. The architectonical complex we present can be easily classified into a specific category of these leisure buildings. Nevertheless, it shows some peculiar solutions, suggesting several hypothesis about the technical skills of the builders, and setting out the dichotomy between theoretical planning and the actual execution of the amphitheatre.
关键词:Contributa Iulia Ugultunia;amphitheatre;geophysical survey;aerial archaeology;architectonical analysis;design and planning;urbanism;Prospecciones geofísicas;aero-fotointerpretación;análisis arquitectónico;diseño y proyecto;urbanismo