摘要:The paper examines the role of international mobility through the exchange programs in student’s core competences development. The theoretical background of the research is based on academic literature in the field of youth mobility and youth competences development analysis. The research was carried out regarding European framework on key competences for lifelong learning (2006). This research presents a multidimensional approach to students’ core competences and their development benefits emerging due to implementation of international mobility programs. Moreover, the paper brings forward valuation of students’, who have been exposed to the subject in question, experiences in combination with theoretical background. The empirical study revealed that international mobility programs play important role in all core competences development. Results of the research might draw attention of horizontal student mobility programs developers and institutions implementing it in order to improve efficiency of their affairs. Furthermore, it may be used as a supporting argument evaluating usefulness of funded youth mobility programs. Moreover, a tool for choosing the measures for developing students’ competences demanded by constantly changing needs of the labour market could be created based on research results. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.em.18.4.5686