摘要:The present study investigates the relationship between Motivation and Job Satisfaction. Motivation has been treated as a dependent and Job Satisfaction as an independent variable. The respondents were the employees of one of the public sector giants of India, BSNL and the data has been colleted from 45 white color employees (supervisors and above) of BSNL, Saharanpur. Primary data has been collected by the researcher through two different standard structured questionnaires based on a five pointer likert scale. The results show a positive correlation between motivation and job satisfaction i.e., motivation increases with increase in job satisfaction and vice-versa. The results of the study also indicate that, motivation remains unaffected of both age as well as the length of the service of the employees. It may be because of the fact that the factors responsible for motivation and satisfaction seem to be present in the working environment of the organization. The paper also finds the relative importance of different factors that contribute to the satisfaction of employees; Compensation Package emerged as the most important factor, whereas the Self Actualization appears to be the least important factor.