期刊名称:Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People
出版社:Alliance of Central-Eastern European Universities
摘要:Sust ainable development represents a ci v i lization challenge that should meet the needs of today’s generations without jeopardizing the ability of the Earth t o meet the needs of the future generations. This challenge, as an evolutionary process in which the social and economic development and the e n v ironment protection a r e independent, but m utual complementary components demands the solving of several i s s ues The vision of sustainable economic development is based on the hi s t or ic al , c ultural a nd p olit ic al development of the countries. There i s no unique w a y of s u s t ain a ble development for different countries and therefore they cannot be made in the same w a y . The transition toward sustainable development represents a social choice that connec t s the global vision of the local needs and go al s. The c itizens must participate in the pr o ces s of sust ainable development. They m u s t r ecog ni ze the r ole they have in creating pr oblems a nd findin g solutions. I n order to gain a general frame for the assessment of sustainable economic development it is necessary to integrate several methodologies and approaches t o w a r d the p os sible future ge ne r a t ions for a quality and he alth y li fe . O ne of the ways of assessing the results from the policies and the activities i s the use of the principles and indicators according to which it is determined how m uch the countries work on sustainable development. Part of the indicators are ge ne r al l y a ccepted, and part are in a modeling phase. A systematic approach is necessary to see whether all indicators are necessary, and which of them are necessary for the assessment of sustainability. The economists do not have problems in executing the objective and quantitative indicators. The sociologists are facing many problems in the execution of indicators because of the immateriality of the life quality. However, the environment experts see problems when they are limited in the execution of indicators. Sustainable development is much more than a mutual connection between the economy, the law and the ecology in establishing relations between the indicators of sustainable development and the economic development are the basis for creating conceptual link between the different approaches toward sustainable economic development. The aim of this paper is the implementation of today’s relevant experiences, practices and theoretical knowledge expressed through the changes that are reflected in the life in the Republic of Macedonia: • Pr otection of n a tural r esour ces • S u s t ain a ble production and cons umpt ion • S u s t ain a ble sour ces of e ne r g y a nd • F ollowing and reporting about the conditions, supported by the following indic a- t ors: • Level of citizens’ involvement in the social activities • Number of companies that have an ecological strategy • Number of people involved in the planning process • Number local communities in the Republic of Macedonia, which are eco-logically oriented • Number of shops that sale home food and organically developed food • Number of companies for organic production • Renewable sources of energy in the Republic of Macedonia • The level of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere Th e e la boration of the final material will go through the following pr i n c i p l e s: P a r t i c ipa t io n of local citizens. K e y segment of the implementation of the Agenda 21; Sho r t-term plans that s u ppo r t th e municipalities that environmentally o r i en t e d; Local pr od u c t i o n , w h ic h is forced whenever po ss i b l e; Th e o i l , c oa l , gas, water should be saved and renewable sources of en er g y should be u s e d i ns t e a d.
关键词:sustainable development, economic development, transition, process of evolution, changes, indicators, principles, natural resources, sustainable production, sources of energy.