期刊名称:DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment)
出版社:Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University
摘要:Nowdays, low-income housing has some problems such as relatively high price of land, condition of infrastructure and public facilities are below the standard and lack of building quality. The purpose of this research is to appraise satisfaction of low income people who live in the 21 and 36 house types at the 9 (nine) location in South and West Denpasar, based on the 6 (six) factors, such as location, building quality, infrastructures, public facilities, design and price. This research used purposive sampling technique and survey method to collect data by distributing questionnaires directly to the respondents. Generally the result of the research finds out that the residents are satisfied with the whole condition of the residence. However, Anova analysis has found that there are satisfaction differences on several factors, such as infrastructures and public facilities. Meanwhile, Factor analysis has found that building quality, design and price are the major factors in appraising resident's satisfaction. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Masalah perumahan sederhana dewasa ini relatif mahalnya lahan, sarana dan prasarana yang kurang memenuhi standar dan kualitas bangunan yang kurang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kepuasan penghuni perumahan sederhana tipe 21 dan tipe 36 pada 9 (sembilan) lokasi perumahan sederhana di Denpasar Barat dan Selatan, berdasarkan 6 (enam) faktor yaitu lokasi, prasarana, sarana, kualitas bangunan, desain dan harga. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dan metode survei yang digunakan dalam pengambilan data dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara langsung kepada responden. Secara umum hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penghuni merasa puas terhadap kondisi keseluruhan perumahan yang mereka huni. Namun hasil analisis Anova menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan kepuasan pada beberapa faktor yaitu faktor prasarana dan sarana. Sedangkan hasil analisis faktor menunjukkan bahwa faktor kualitas bangunan, desain dan harga merupakan faktor utama dalam pertimbangan penilaian kepuasan oleh penghuni. Kata kunci: kepuasan penghuni, lokasi, prasarana, sarana, kualitas bangunan, desain dan harga.
关键词:resident's satisfaction, location, infrastructures, public facilities, building quality, design and price.