期刊名称:AMBIENTE & EDUCAÇÃO - Revista de Educação Ambiental
出版社:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
摘要:REASul was created in July of 2002, through the project “Weaving Environmental Education Networks in the Southern Region” (“Tecendo Redes de Educação Ambiental na Região Sul”) – Convention with the National Fund of the Environment – (Fundo Nacional do Meio Ambiente – FNMA). The Participative Administration Committee (Comissão de Gestão Participativa – CGP) was formed by representatives of UNIVALI, FURG, CEPSUL, IBAMA-SC e MATER NATURA – Institute of Environmental Studies (Instituto de Estudos Ambientais). The main objective of REASUL was to debate and trace routes in order to disseminate and strengthen Environmental Education (EE) in Brazil, and, specifically, in the Southern Region, contributing to diagnose, socialize and offer visibility to projects and actions in the area, providing subsidies for the educational processes of teachers and environmental managers and for public policies. In the First Meeting of the South Brazilian Network of Environmental Education (I Encontro da Rede Sul Brasileira de Educação Ambiental – I EREASul), the CGP is presenting the partial results of data of EE in the Southern Region, inserted in and validated by the Brazilian System of Information about Environmental Education (Sistema Brasileiro de Informação sobre Educação Ambiental -SIBEA), and discussing with the participants its new organizational structure, formed by the facilitators, people and institutions that work disseminating the culture of networks, guiding lines and principles of Environmental Education (EE). This article presents the preliminary data of the diagnosis of EE and its practices in the Southern Region inserted and validated in the SIBEA.