摘要:Considered a serious illness with physical and psychic consequences, obesity affects the whole world. Despite its emotional aspect it is more researched in its biological e genetic dimension. As a way out, many obese people opt for bariatric surgery, underestimating its risks and consequences. Given the increment of this option, especially among women, it is important to consider the need for prevention and treatment in relation to its emotional aspect. This study discusses a form of psychotherapeutic treatment for obese women through Interventive Psychodiagnostic (IP), with the objective of preventing the surgical procedure and its possible sequels. It is presented a case study of a 37 years old obese grade 1 (BMI, i.e., Body Mass Index, of 37 kg/m 2 ) woman, that already tried to loose weight through dieting and physical exercises. There was an initial interview. The Human Figure Drawing (HFDT) and the Thematic Apperception (TAT) tests were applied and interpreted by the free inspection method, according to the winnicottian psychoanalytic frame of reference. It was observed the presence of devaluation and uselessness feelings in her acting as woman and mother, difficulties in her interpersonal relationships and restriction in the expression of her self. Finally the patient was able to integrate tenderness (especially those related to her own sexuality) and trust, loosing weight in this way. The importance of the emotional aspects of this illness and a new of treating it was then proved.