出版社:Eduem - Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá
摘要:The objective of this study was to analyze the variability in air temperature and absolute humidity in the urban area of the city of Iporá – state of Goiás, aiming to determine the places of higher heating and lower absolute humidity and to analyze geourban factors responsible for such variation. Thus, eight thermo-hygrometers were distributed in the urban area. It was observed that: 1 - according to dendrograms, some measurement points were grouped similarly, but the influence of NDVI made the site 3 discordant from the others; 2 – in the sum of the percentages of influence, the steepness of the slopes was the geourban variable that contributed most to explain the patterns in air temperature, followed by IU and NDVI. While the NDVI contributed most to explain the variability of absolute humidity; 3 - the range, obtained by semivariograms, showed large variability in values, varying according to the time of day and the observed variable; 4 - the patterns of deviations in absolute humidity allowed to affirm that the central area, more urbanized, had the highest negative deviations and the areas with higher NDVI values and near watercourses showed the highest positive deviations of humidity.