出版社:Faculdade de Serviço Social, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
摘要:Currently the RSI/WRMD, as the main cause of stopped of the work in Brazil, has been white of concern of the professionals of the health, a time that these comes coming across itself with its carriers in diverse environments of work, either in companies or institutions of health. When approaching this subject, the objective of this research was to analyze the consequences of the RSI/WRMD for the familiar, social life and professional of moved away workers it has at least six months of the work, as well as, to identify the occured changes in these aspects, to know the vision of these the respect of these changes and to understand the meaning of the disease for self lives. This study it was characterized for being of the type explorer-description with qualitative boarding, being that the method of treatment of the data was the analysis of content through the thematic analysis. For the collection of data the half-structuralized interview was used as instrument, applied the 12 workers of a company of the branch of confections located in the Vale do Rio Pardo. It was verified that innumerable they are the implications that the disease impose to the life of these women due to the disabilities that present. Of the careful they start to depend on cares; intense modifications in the social conviviality and activities of leisure; professional and financial repercussions, great lack of perspectives how much to the professional and personal future. Salient also that the disease printed deep marks to them beyond the physics, which had to the feelings of leisureing, continuous pain and medication dependence, as well as, the guarded suffering caused for the preconception that the society has for unfamiliarity on the illness. Everything this finishes generating, in the majority them cases, a deep depression, where they feel themselves abandoned, incomprehensibles and people without illusions before the life. Key words – Health-illness-work. Repercussion of LER/DORT.