出版社:Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Servicio de Publicaciones
摘要:Up until today archaeological sites have been cornered due to custodianship policies. Although archaeological sites were built up thousands of years ago, it is important they now have a commercial perspective that at first identifies consumers’ perceptions for after conceiving the commodification process. There has been a lack of customer orientation in the design of their public fitting out even though in the last decade visitor orientation has appeared to be of important relevance for the management of these heritage resources. The purpose of this paper is to recognize the main pull and push factors that induce visits to archaeological sites. It seeks to reveal how the identification of the motivation factors influences the conceptualization of a future “sustainable global value chain” for archaeological sites. This paper argues that if motivation factors are considered for the commodification process it will enable the sustainability of archaeological sites and therefore visitors’ satisfaction.
关键词:tourist motivations;push and pull factors;tourism;sustainability;commodification;archaeological sites;heritage products;open-air museums;motivaciones turísticas;factores de empuje y arrastre;turismo;sostenibilidad;sitios arqueológicos;patrimonio cultural;museos al aire libre