摘要:To increase market penetration, businesses work on engaging current and new customers to purchase additional products via creating a market offering to match the needs of the consumer group. “Failure to recognize the reality of market segments was resulting in the loss of market position” (Smith, 1956, p. 5) for companies. Smith (1956) notes that the successful application of the strategy of market segmentation “tends to produce depth of market position in the segments that are effectively defined and penetrated” (p. 5). The United States, with a history of being the world’s melting pot, is a multicultural society. Differences between rich, poor, urban and rural Americans have been augmented by racial and ethnic diversity (Riche, 1991). Successful utilization of this diversity has been of concern to business. This paper analyzed 177 commercials to determine the proportion of inclusiveness in regards to gender, age, race, and language. Diversity in gender and race was demonstrated, but improvement is needed in race, age, and language.