期刊名称:International Business & Economics Research Journal
出版社:The Clute Institute for Academic Research
摘要:This paper sought to investigate the alignment between supply chain strategies and practices of local manufacturers of locally made light vehicles in South Africa. The research design employed was a combination of exploratory and descriptive research design using a qualitative approach. A face-to-face, semi-structured interview questionnaire was used, based on purposive sampling. Descriptive statistics using SPSS software was used for the data analysis and interpretation. The findings of the research revealed that across the supply chains of locally made models, all the manufacturers followed a lean strategy for their inbound supply chain and some had a lean supply chain strategy for their outbound supply chain. A number of them also had an agile supply chain strategy in the outbound supply chain, which suggests a leagile supply chain strategy. It was also found that in some instances there was a mismatch between strategies and practices in the area of product characteristics, manufacturing characteristics, and the decision drivers of the supply chain. Local manufacturers of locally made light vehicle models in South Africa do not always make decisions and implement practices in line with their chosen supply chain strategies.