期刊名称:International Business & Economics Research Journal
出版社:The Clute Institute for Academic Research
摘要:Risk management is a concept which has becomes very popular with a number of national and international businesses. Many companies often establish a risk management procedure in their projects for improving performance and increasing profits. Projects undertaken in the construction sector are widely complex, often having significant budgets; therefore, reducing risks associated with projects should be a priority for each project manager. Patient information security has become a matter of interest to healthcare professionals, governments and researchers worldwide. This paper proposes a comprehensive risk assessment methodology that provides a decision support tool, directed to a healthcare system, which can be utilized for evaluating risk involved during user authorization and authentication procedures. Within this context, a process technique was implemented to develop a risk assessment model, which is used to derive the relative priorities of the risk factors associated with a healthcare knowledge management system. The study showed risks involved when users are accessing a healthcare system. It proposes a model for assessing each risk occurring during the user authorization and authentication process. The results of the knowledge generated from the risk assessment provide a basis for deriving a system performance that is desirable for evaluating risk.
关键词:Assessment;Healthcare;Knowledge;Management;Risk, Knowledge Management Systems