摘要:Using a webquest as an educat ional resource to intervene in cases of bullying in physical education area. Contrary to the thought of most people, bullying is not a recent problem. It is a world problem that can be found in different kind of schools and that can arise during any course. In some knowledge areas the discussions about this subject can be considered still incipient, like in Physical Education. Thus, this paper had the aim to present and to discuss the webquest Bullying and Physical Education as a feasible educational resource to intervene in these cases. Method: case study was applied. Results: The webquest Bullying and Physical Education was created in HTML, using the programme Dreamweaver. It can be accessed from www.bullyingyeducacionfisica.com and is structured in eight sections: 1) Introduction; 2) Task; 3) Process; 4) Resources; 5) Evaluation; 6) Conclusions; 7) Credits and 8) Guide to the teacher. In conclusion, the webquest can be considered an important educational resource to support teaching in physical education area.
关键词:bullying, physical education, educational resource, webquest, information and communication technologies;bullying, educación física, recurso didáctico, webquest, tecnologías de la información y comunicación.