摘要:Abstract This study aimed at investigating the dissertations on values in Turkey between the years 2000 and 2011 and analyzing these dissertations from the perspective of educational science and teacher training. For the purpose of the study, the distribution of dissertations on values primarily examined in terms of M.A. and doctorate levels, years and disciplines. In addition, the dissertations on values in the discipline of educational sciences and teacher training were analyzed in terms of topics, participants, and research designs and data collection methods. 118 M.A. and 39 doctorate theses on values between the years 2000 and 2011 were accessed for the scope of the study which was designed as a descriptive survey model research. The accessed dissertations were analyzed through a descriptive analysis form which had been prepared in order to analyze the dissertations in terms of the years, levels, disciplines, topics, participants, research models and data collections methods. The study revealed that values were focused on much more at M..A. level and the dissertations were limited in terms of quantity. The study also revealed that the dissertations on values in educational sciences were much more in quantity compared to other disciplines which focused on values. In addition, the analysis of the topics of the dissertations on values in educational sciences revealed that most of the studies focused on values education in general and the studies on values of teachers, students and academicians were limited in quantity. Key words: Values, Values Education, Values in dissertations, Educational Sciences and Teacher Training.