摘要:Abstract The purpose of this research was to define the word choice and syntax errors of teacher candidates in writing. No matter in which branch a teacher works s/he is already a language teacher. Therefore, they are supposed to meet all the requirements of the standard language in writing. The data in this study was gathered from 189 teacher candidates who were studying in six different disciplines in Education Faculty of Akdeniz University, in 2010-2011 academic years. Word choice and syntax errors in academic writings of these participants were determined. These errors were categorized according to their structures. Six types of errors in dimensions of word choice and five types of errors in dimensions of syntax were defined. The frequency of errors in different dimensions, rates of errors in terms of different disciplines and differences among these disciplines in terms of rates of errors were calculated using frequency, percentage, and variance analysis. The results showed that errors of the participants in word choice were more than their errors in syntax and 96.8% of the participants made errors in their writings. In conclusion, it was suggested that studies must be carried out to correct the errors of these types in Turkish courses given in the different disciplines of education faculties. Key Words: Writing, word choice, syntax, coordination errors, expression errors.