摘要:The aims of this study are to find out the opinions of teachers and administrators working at primary education institutions (Primary School Standards) and to give suggestions in order to improve the existing system. The sample of the study consists of 8 administrators and 12 teachers working in primary schools in Gaziantep. In order to obtain data qualitative research method including semi-structured interview technique was used. According to the results of the study; there were some technical problems while carrying out the study; such as some .Parents' were not literate and were not able to use a personal computer The questions given in the forms were not stated clearly and precisely enough. It is stated that since the results of the İKS are not reliable, it cannot provide effective supervision. The standards given in IKS are not suitable for each school as every school has its different conditions. For this reason it is suggested that instead of applying same standards of IKS to every school, each school should have his own standards in order to make effective and efficient school evaluation.
关键词:Primary School Standards, supervision, selfassessment;Đlköğretim Kurumları Standartları, denetim, öz değerlendirme