摘要:This study is aimed to measure the employees' job performance behavior via the entropy based TOPSIS methods. For this purpose, work behaviors; burnout, emotional labor, intention to leave, and job satisfaction scales are taken as assessment criteria and a questionnaire is applied on public university employees. Integrated evaluation of all criteria is vital for performance measurement. At this point multi-criteria decision-making methods present an appropriate framework. MCDM methods are very suitable decision tools for measuring employee’s performance. This method is used in order to measure performance for not only the number of work but also the attitude according to business, enterprise, and people getting services. Considering the researches done via TOPSIS are few, this work contributes to the literature. Because of appropriate scales are in opposite directions, TOPSIS method accepted as a MCDM method is used to reduce all scales to only one value. As a result, applying TOPSIS method in terms of measuring employees' job performance can conduct to measure qualitative works converting into quantitative works.