摘要:Life satisfaction (LS) is among other factors strongly influenced by an individual’s health status. The aim ofthis study was to compare the satisfaction with life scores between active and inactive members of thepopulation with different health statuses. Participants (n=664) were divided into two groups based on theirhealth status: a) healthy population (HP, n=313, female=126); and b) people with non-communicablediseases (NCDs; n=351; female=185). The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) between active and inactiveindividuals of the population (HP, NCDs) was used. Quantitative variables were presented as the mean of thestandard deviation and range. The Pearson chi-square test was used to determine the differences betweenactive and inactive within each population group. We found that the lowest level of LS was presented byinactive people with NCDs with 20.8±7.8 points indicating that this group have neutral LS. On the otherhand, the highest LS was seen in active HP, which achieved 24.4±7.4 points, indicating that this group hadaverage LS, close to the high score of LS. Furthermore, we found that the LS scores (overall as well as instatements) between the active and inactive individuals of the population was not significant in the HP group,but in the group of people with NCDs, the overall as well as in statements scores show high significantdifferences in LS between active and inactive participants. This evaluation of the psychometric properties ofthe SWLS shows that it is a suitable tool to asses LS in the population regardless of health status. The resultsof our study confirmed that regular participation in sport significantly increases the level of LS especially inmembers of the population with NCDs.
关键词:health; hypokinesis; life style and satisfaction; physical activity