摘要:Providing short accounts of personal experiences of slow travelling, the paper analyses the dimensions that, in the eyes of the author, lend these practices a genuine consistency and value. ‘Slow travel’, however, is not just a personal aspiration; it is also promoted as a fully-fledged policy, under the name of ‘slow tourism’. Yet, does the policy’s slowness reflect the same type of experiences as those that bring so much personal satisfaction to the author? The paper answers this question through a detailed self-analysis of the conditions for personal enjoyment of slow travel experiences; it demonstrates that ‘un-embeddedness’, unusual body sensations and techniques, visual anticipation, and symbolic isolation are its main ingredients. These dimensions are then compared with the policy principles of ‘slow tourism’, arguing that these two forms of slowness share nothing in common but their name, because they prove to be based on radically distinct enjoyment structures.