摘要:Because cyber capabilities can provide a low-cost and low-risk military option for provocation and canbe an ideal mean for exploiting the vulnerabilities of ROK and U.S. with low intensity and minimal riskof escalation or retaliation, cyber capabilities may have became a key component in North Korean militarystrategy. However, ROK has no firmly established norms that can be adopted to control or suppress theNK's cyber operations in advance, the NK seems to use their cyber capabilities continuously. To addressthis problem, this paper describes an offensive cyber kill chain strategy based on the traditional kill chainto provide a basis for enabling pre-emptive suppress and offensive response to NK's cyber attacks. Becauseeach step in traditional kill chain is very familiar with combatant officers, our cyber kill chain strategy canimprove the understanding of cyber defense strategy. This also makes it easy to integrate our cyber killchain strategy and current military doctrines.