摘要:Since DDoS attack of July 7th 2009, North Korea have being performed cyber attacks aggressively to Republic of Korea, expanding its attacking to the computer network of national major facilities and Infra structures in ROK. Even worse, there are not information concerning perform strategy of cyber warfare nor computer science technology by North Korea. In this regard, this paper analyzes and suggests responsive strategy to the North Korea's cyber warfare or cyber attacks comparing to the other nations cyber security policies and strategies such as US, Germany, Japan and the like. In our analysis and review, we can ascertain that North Korea has performed the cyber attack with cyber psychological and social engineering technique paralleled. In addition, its strategy of cyber warfare is an important part of the national strategy and core military strength which pursue to achieve North Korea's national objective. For the forgoing reason, this paper suggests the responsive strategy in order to pursue superiority in the cyber warfare against North Korea
关键词:Cyber Warfare; North Korea Cyber Technology; Cyber Strategy