摘要:To increase the recognition rate of numbers and Hangul characters in tilted car license plates images,this paper suggests to rotate the images tilted more than 5 degrees. First, the input RGB image is revisedby the white image and converted to the Gray scale image. After setting the background and text colors as0(black) and the color of plates as 255(white) with this Gray scale image, the image is binary coded. Andthen, the coordinates of the vertices for each rotation direction of the binary coded image are obtained.Finally, using arc tangent, this rotation algorithm calculates the slanting angle with the obtained coordinatesof the vertices and rotates the licence plate image with rotate sauce. This Rotation algorithm can beadopted to various character or number recognitions and give higher recognition rate than existingrecognition system.
关键词:Rotation Algorithm; Car License Plate; Recognition Rate; Image Binarization