期刊名称:International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
摘要:Influenced by light, houses,street lamps and other factors, tree imagesoften contain noise and complexbackground information. The existing Otsu segmentationalgorithms have deficienciessuch as poor anti-noise capability,ignoringthe class cohesionand so on.Based on the traditional gray value-neighborhood average gradient Otsu segmentation method,we propose animproved two-dimensional Otsu algorithmfor tree image segmentation. The algorithm takes into account the between-class distance and within-class distance, which combined the average variance concept of two categories and proposed new threshold selectionmethod, and reduce the interferenceofnoise effectively. To achieve the best segmentation and reduce over-segmentation of background information, a method of removingsmall areas and morphological processingareused to optimize segmentation results. Experimental results show that the proposedalgorithm has a good inhibitioneffectonnoiseand the effectof treeimage segmentationisbetter than that ofthe traditionalone.