期刊名称:Euro Area Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics
出版社:European Central Bank
摘要:We develop an integrated Early Warning Global Vector Autoregressive (EW-GVAR) modelto quantify the costs and benets of capital-based macroprudential policy measures. Ourndings illustrate that capital-based measures are transmitted both via their impact on thebanking system's resilience and via indirect macro-nancial feedback eects. The feedbackeects relate to dampened credit and asset price growth and, depending on how banks moveto higher capital ratios, can account for up to a half of the overall eectiveness of capital-based measures. Moreover, we document signicant cross-country spillover eects, especiallyfor measures implemented in larger countries. Overall, our model helps to understand howand through which channels changes in capitalization aect bank lending and the wider econ-omy and can inform policy makers on the optimal calibration and timing of capital-basedmacroprudential instruments.