期刊名称:Euro Area Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics
出版社:European Central Bank
摘要:This paper reviews the empirical literature on international spillovers and contagion. Theoreticalmodels of spillover and contagion imply that the reduced form observable variables suffer from two possi-ble sources of bias: endogeneity and omitted variables. These econometric problems in combination withthe heteroskedasticity that plagues the data produces time varying biases. Several empirical methodolo-gies are evaluated from this perspective: non-parametric techniques such as correlations and principalcomponents, as well as parametric methods such as OLS, VAR, event studies, ARCH, Non-linear regres-sions, etc. The paper concludes that there is no single technique that can solve the full fledge problemand discusses three methodologies that can partially address some of the questions in the literature.