摘要:Protection of endangered desert plant species is frequently complicated by a lack of information about seeds, the most stress-resistant and populous life stage. We studied the relative locations of seeds and plants of a rare endangered herbaceous perennial, the Las Vegas bearpoppy (Arctomecon californica) in seven 1-ha sites randomly located within a 100-ha study area that was slated for development in Las Vegas, Nevada. We also measured the physical and biological attributes of the environment supporting the seeds and plants, including soil hardness, rock cover, cryptogamic crust cover, and associated vegetation. Arctomecon californica seed density was 0.651 seeds · m–2, and seeds were found throughout the top 4 cm of soil. Seed viability among sites ranged from 26% to 79%; however, no significant changes between depths were detected. The spatial distribution of the seed bank coincided with the current A. californica adult distribution only in sites with both a high plant density and high numbers of seeds. Arctomecon californicaadults occupied open areas within the gypsum environment that supported significantly less vegetative cover than the surrounding area. We observed a positive association between A. californica adults and shadscale (Atriplex confertifolia) and a negative association with 7 other plant species among sites. Sites with an indurated abiotic crust hosted higher numbers of A. californica adults than sites with softer soils. However, rock cover, cryptogamic crust cover, and soil hardness were poor explanatory factors for characterizing A. californica presence. We suggest that land managers should incorporate seed bank census into monitoring programs due to the extreme year-to-year fluctuations in A. californica plant population densities. A menudo la protección de especies de plantas desérticas en peligro de extinción se ve complicada por la falta de información sobre las semillas, la etapa de vida más abundante y resistente al estrés. Estudiamos la ubicación relativa de semillas y plantas de “Las Vegas bearpoppy” (Arctomecon californica), una planta perenne en peligro de extinción, en 7 sitios de 1 ha. localizados al azar dentro de un área de estudio de 100 ha que estaba destinada a la urbanización en Las Vegas, Nevada (E.U.A.). También medimos los atributos físicos y biológicos del ambiente que sostiene las semillas y plantas, tales como dureza del suelo, rocosidad, cobertura de costra cryptógama y vegetación asociada. La densidad de semillas de A. californica fue 0.651 semillas · m–2 y se observó en los 4 cm superiores del suelo. La viabilidad de las semillas