期刊名称:Journal of Environmental Hydrology (ältere Jahrgänge)
摘要:The urban landfill site of the Tanjero industrial area contains organic waste from both domestic sources and the oil industry. It contains the waste of some unlicensed petroleum refineries of the Tanjero area. The local authorities plan to discontinue the waste dumping process because considerable concentrations of organic components are detected in water samples taken from wells in the vicinity of the dump site. In this study, the focus is on BTEX components and their natural attenuation. The benzene and toluene concentrations in the sampled waters are considerably higher than those of ethylbenzene and xylenes. Therefore, only benzene and toluene were considered in the modeling part of this study. In order to estimate the recharge rate through the soil column, the software HELP3 was used. The fate of the two volatile organic contaminants in the unsaturated zone over a period of 25 years was simulated using VLEACH. It was assumed that no clean-up will take place at the surface of the dump site. The software VLEACH considers water advection, solid-phase sorption, vapor-phase diffusion, and three-phase equilibration. According to the simulation toluene is attenuated in the contaminated zone in the pore water of the topsoil from 32 ppb to 4.5 ppb after 25 years. The benzene concentration after the same time period is attenuated from 49.5 ppb to close to zero. The toluene concentration is attenuated from 2 ppb to 0.1 ppb after 25 years at the depth of groundwater, while the benzene concentration is attenuated from 0.1 ppb to below the detection limit ( 0.013 ppb) . after the same period.