标题:Dimensiunile accentuate si relatiile lor cu principalii factori ai personalitatii. [Accentuated dimensions and their relations with main personality factors]. Revista de Psihologie Aplicata
摘要:The study investigates th e relationships between .D. A. 3." questionnaire, a self-report measure developed after Kar l Leonhard's (1972) model of accentuated personality traits and other three personality scales measuring the Big Five factors .Big Five 3", self esteem .A.S.I." and social desirability - .D.S." (Social Desirability Scale) . .D. A. 3." is a psychological assessment tool, concerned with the accentuated personality traits, vuln erabilities that can impact the employee performance of the employees or can disrupt the work environment; by analyzing these tendencies, both incompatibilities and personal resources for the job could be identified. The internal consistency of the scale and correlation obtained on a sample of 272 participants between the subscales of the questionnaires and the other three scales are consider ed from the point of the con ver gent valid ity . The practical value, ad vantages and limitations of the instrument are also d iscussed
关键词:personality; big five; personality disord ers; accentuated personality traits