标题:Comportamentul periculos: alcool, droguri, tigari, sex. De ce se implica studentii in astfel de activitati? [Dangerous behavior: alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and sex. Why do students involve in such activities?]. Revista de Psihologie Aplicata
摘要:This research aimed to highlight links between reckless behavior and sensation seek ing (personality trait with physiological foundations), as with some socioecon omic and cultural var iables (income, type of education received in childhood and the level of self -perceived religiosity), to the population of Timisoara. The non-experimental correlational research was performed on a sample of 76 participants, aged b etween 19 and 25 years, using The Life Style Questionnaire and The Sensation Seekin g Scale; also, four aspects of reck less behavior wer e analyzed: consumption of alcoh olic beverages, consumption of cigarettes, the var iety of sexual partners and consumption of soft drugs (mar ijuana). Research resu lts have shown that a high need for new sensations associated positively with all four aspects of reckless behavior, income correlates positively with the consumption of alcoholic beverages, a permissive type of education received in ch ildhood is associated positively with the consumption of soft drugs, and high self-perceived religiosity negatively correlated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages, soft drugs and cigarettes. Directions are suggested for further research
关键词:reckless behavior; sensation seekin g; self-perceived r eligiosity; education; ; income