摘要:The PRISM program partnered K-12 teachers with science and mathematics graduate students who served as Scientists or Mathematicians-in-Residence in the teachers’ classrooms. The teachers and graduate students participated in a Summer Inquiry Institute during which they learned about inquiry-based instruction, and then collaborated to develop and co-teach content-rich, inquiry-based instruction in the teachers’ classrooms for one academic year. In the first three years of the program, 27 teachers and 18 graduate students participated. The research study examined how participation in PRISM influenced the teachers’ and graduate students’ conceptions of inquiry, explored what they learned about inquiry by implementing inquiry together in the classroom, and studied the role that their collaboration played in the development of their conceptions of inquiry. Conceptions and use of inquiry were examined through surveys, online journals, interviews and classroom observations. The results indicate that the teachers and graduate students deepened and expanded their understanding of inquiry. Particular themes emerged related to what the teachers and graduate students learned about inquiry through the act of teaching via inquiry were (a) inquiry engages students’ minds not just their hands, (b) discussion is essential for student learning, and (c) teachers need to help develop a classroom culture conducive to inquiry in order for students to be successful with inquiry-based learning. This research indicates that teacher-scientist/mathematician partnerships can be beneficial to both parties when structured within a long-term professional development program that immerses the participants in the inquiry process and provides ongoing support.