Regeneration of woodland vegetation after deer browsing in Sharon Woods Metro Park, Franklin County, Ohio (1).
Asnani, Kashmira M. ; Klips, Robert A. ; Curtis, Peter S. 等
ABSTRACT. Overbrowsing by deer can decrease plant abundance and
change plant species composition, especially in isolated forest
fragments. Sharon Woods Metro Park, Franklin County, OH is a 308 ha
suburban woodland preserve that had a deer population of 347 individuals
in 1992 (112 deer/[km.sup.2]), which was subsequently reduced to the
currently maintained level of ~40 individuals (14 deer/[km.sup.2). Deer
exclosures (~0.4 ha) established in 1990 in three habitats were used to
compare vegetation that recovered under complete protection with that
which had sustained continued browsing. Tree seedlings, herbaceous and
shrub species richness, diversity, and floristic quality were quantified
in browsed and fenced treatments as indicators of plant diversity.
Percent ground cover was assayed as a measure of plant biomass. Total
percent ground cover was significantly lower in browsed treatments in
two of the three habitats. Species richness and floristic quality of
forest floor species were consistently, though not significantly,
lowered in browsed treatments where the more disturbance-tolerant native
species increased in frequency and abundance. Reduced deer browsing has
allowed some plant species to regenerate but not others. For example,
pawpaw (Asimina triloba), American beech (Fagus grandifolia), and
jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) are disturbance tolerant and/or
unpalatable species that may inhibit regeneration of more sensitive
species under browsing pressure. A further reduction in deer density to
~4 deer/[km.sup.2] and continued vegetation monitoring are recommended
next steps for vegetation management at Sharon Woods.
OHIO J SCI 106 (3):86-92, 2006
The white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is now acting as a
keystone herbivore in the eastern United States. Pre-European settlement
white-tailed deer densities were estimated to be ~4 deer/[km.sup.2]
(Alverson and others 1988; Rooney and Dress 1997). Most of this region
now contains areas where densities substantially exceed this value
(Anderson 1994). Deer populations often reach particularly high
densities in parks and preserves, with significant consequences for the
plant communities within them (Augustine and Jordan 1998). In Northern
Wisconsin's Flambeau River State Forest, for example, Anderson and
Katz (1993) estimated the deer density at 50-100 deer/[km.sup.2], and in
northeast Ohio's Cuyahoga Valley National Park, the population has
been estimated at 17-35 deer/[km.sup.2] (Dengg 2002). Since deer are
selective feeders, damage to plant species occurs differentially and
herbivory is often not noticed until many species are impacted,
sometimes resulting in a distinct browse line (Augustine and Frelich
1998; Webster and others 2001).
The impacts of deer browsing in several areas of the eastern US
have been well studied. In northwestern Pennsylvania, Tilghman (1989)
conducted a five-year study of the impact of browsing on tree seedlings,
woody shrubs, and herbs in Allegheny Forest, and Rooney and Dress (1997)
examined plant species loss after sixty-six years of elevated deer
density in the Heart's Content forest. Balgooyen and Waller (1995)
studied historic and recent deer effects on woody and herbaceous plant
frequency and cover as well as overall plant species diversity in
northern Wisconsin and its surrounding islands. All of these studies
have resulted in management recommendations for their particular areas.
These include the use of indicator species to gauge browsing impacts on
vegetation as a whole, the construction of deer exclosures, reduction of
the deer herd to appropriate levels, and the removal of undesirable
browse-tolerant plant species that have become dominant. Since
population trends for white-tailed deer in Ohio are similar to other
areas of the eastern US (Shafer-Nolan 1997), these studies are useful as
a general guide for deer management. However, because habitat, browse
species, and management concern vary among regions, local studies are
necessary to solve specific vegetation management issues related to deer
browsing (Strole and Anderson 1992; Balgooyen and Waller 1995; Augustine
and Jordan 1998).
We studied the regeneration of woodland vegetation following
intense deer browsing in Sharon Woods, a central Ohio metropolitan park
(Franklin County). This site was of interest because it typifies a
suburban park, consisting of forested land bordered sharply by
development (major highways on two of its four sides, and
commercial/residential streets on the other two). The primary outcome of
this study was the assessment of long term intense browsing (>10
yrs). This included measuring its effects on species diversity and
determining whether browsing has favored certain plant species, thereby
altering plant community composition. The deer population has recently
been lowered at Sharon Woods, thus a secondary goal was to determine
whether further reductions in deer density are necessary.
Study Site
Sharon Woods Metro Park is one of 14 parks in central Ohio that
make up the Columbus and Franklin County Metropolitan Park District. The
308 ha tract consists of woodland occupying 55.2% of the site, fields
(17.3%), developed areas (13.4%), young successional areas (6.7%),
wetland including ponds and woodland streams (4.5%), and plantings
(4.3%) (Columbus and Franklin County Metropolitan Park District 2002).
The wooded portion of the park is secondary growth beech-maple forest.
Through the 1980s and early 1990s, the deer population at Sharon Woods
rose due to growing urbanization around the park (Peck and Stahl 1997).
In the mid-1980s, a decline in abundance of certain species within the
plant families Liliaceae and Orchidaceae was first noticed, followed by
a more general decline in spring wildflowers (J. Stahl, personal
communication). By the late 1980s, more than 150 species of vascular
plants were no longer found, and invertebrate, reptile, bird, and small
mammal populations were reduced (Peck and Stahl 1997). Meanwhile, the
deer herd peaked at 347 individuals (112 deer/[km.sup.2]) in 1992, at
which time deer management was implemented, consisting of culling and
hormonal birth control. By 1997 these measures had reduced the
population to the currently maintained level of ~40 individuals (~14
Experimental Design
Park managers erected three deer exclosures in 1990, situated in
representative habitats of Sharon Woods to evaluate vegetation
regeneration after the deer population was reduced. The chosen habitats
were a mesic forest upland site (Spring Hollow), a hydric forest
(Swamp), and a forested area near a park trail with an intermediate soil
moisture regime (Bike Trail). The exclosures were wire-fenced, 2.4 m in
height, each enclosing approximately 0.4 ha. In spring 2002, sampling
plots were established inside (fenced treatment) and immediately outside
(browsed treatment) the 3 exclosures. Plot placement was accomplished
using stratified random sampling design, wherein each exclosure plus an
equal-sized adjacent browsed area was divided in half and a 0.1 ha plot
placed at random in each half. Five, 4.0 [m.sup.2] vegetation cover
sampling plots were randomly located within each 0.1 ha plot, giving a
total of ten 4.0 [m.sup.2] plots per treatment per habitat. To avoid
edge effects, a 2.0 m buffer zone flanking the perimeter of the
enclosures was eliminated from sampling.
Vegetation Analyses
Forbs, tree seedlings, lianas, and shrubs (collectively referred to
as forest floor species) were identified and their abundance quantified
at each site in early spring (late April--early May), late spring (late
May--early June), and early summer (late June--early July) 2002. Trees
and saplings were identified and measured in mid-summer. Within the 4.0
[m.sup.2] quadrats, all forest floor species were identified, their
number of stems recorded, and visually assayed for percent cover using
the Daubenmire (1959) class system with the following cutoff points: 0,
5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 95%. Within the 0.1 ha plots, woody saplings and
trees were identified, measured, and counted, and any forest floor
plants that were not captured in the 4.0-[m.sup.2] plots were recorded.
Data Analysis
Percent cover values by species from each sampling period were
combined for each site by including only the value from the individual
period having the highest total cover for each plot, thereby reflecting
the realized potential of each plot for vegetation cover. Seasonal
forest floor species data were similarly integrated by selecting stem
count values from the sampling period when individuals were most
abundant. Because woody species abundances were fairly uniform over the
course of a growing season, they were sampled only once.
Several indices were used to measure forest floor species
diversity. The number of species present (S) was used as the measurement
of richness. The Berger-Parker index (l/d) was used to measure species
evenness where d is the relative abundance of the single most dominant
species (d = [N.sub.max]/[]), where N is the number of
individuals. The Shannon-Weiner index (H') was used to measure
species diversity, computed as
- [summation][p.sub.i] ln [p.sub.i]
where [p.sub.i] is the proportional abundance of the ith species.
Floristic quality was assessed based on the coefficients of conservatism
(C) that have been assigned to each native species in Ohio (Andreas and
others 2004). Conservatism values range from 0-10 based on the tolerance
of the subject species to disturbance, and its fidelity to a particular
pre-settlement plant community type. They are used to compute the
Floristic Quality Assessment Index (FQAI), a community-level appraisal
of natural quality, wherein FQAI = [square root of (N)], in which C is
the average conservatism of the plant community and N is the number of
native species present. Non-native species are not assigned conservatism
values and so are not included in the FQAI calculation.
For each forest floor species, relative abundance for each species
was calculated as the sum of the abundance values for the species
divided by the grand total of cover values for all species. Relative
frequency (%) was calculated similarly, as the number of quadrats in
which a species was recorded, divided by the total number of such
occurrences for all species. Relative abundance and frequency were
summed to derive an importance value (IV) to assess quadrat-level
treatment effects on species composition and distribution. Data were
analyzed with a two-factor analysis of variance that tested for site by
treatment interactions. Dependent variables are cover (calculated using
Daubenmire cover class data transformed into midpoints of the ranges),
groundcover species diversity, evenness, richness, and floristic quality
analyzed for differences between browsed and fenced treatments at the
4.0 [m.sup.2] level. Woody species data and comparisons above the 4.0
[m.sup.2] level were not analyzed statistically. Plant nomenclature
follows Cooperrider and others (2001).
Forest Floor Species
Across all sites, forest floor plant cover was 60% greater in
fenced compared to browsed plots (F = 11.2, P = 0.002, Fig. 1). There
was a highly significant site by treatment interaction, however, with no
treatment effect observed at the Swamp site. At the upland Spring Hollow
site, plant cover was three times greater in fenced compared to browsed
plots, and there were intermediate treatment effects at the Bike Trail
site. In contrast to the overall negative effects of browsing on plant
cover, we found little statistical support for treatment effects on
species diversity (H'), richness (S), evenness (1/d), or floristic
quality (FQAI) at any of the sites (Table 1). Trends were toward greater
species richness and floristic quality in the fenced treatments but
higher diversity (H') and evenness in the browsed treatments.
Deer browsing had significant and dramatic effects on community
composition as reflected by the relative frequencies and abundances of
individual species. Seven of the 10 most frequently occurring plants
were more often found in fenced plots. The frequency difference was
statistically significant for two of these, jewel-weed (Impatiens
capensis) and spicebush (Lindera benzoin) (Fig. 2). Among the 10 most
abundant species based on stem counts, the following 4 were
significantly more numerous in fenced compared to browsed plots: false
mermaid (Floerkia proserpinacoides), poison ivy (Toxicodendron
radicans), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), and wild ginger
(Asarum canadense). Three additional species displayed trends in this
direction that were not statistically significant (Fig. 3). For either
frequency or abundance, only one statistically significant difference
was found wherein browsed plots were favored over fenced plots:
spring-beauty (Claytonia virginica) occurred only in browsed plots (Fig.
Importance value (IV) is a summary statistic that combines relative
frequency and relative abundance. Large differences in IV between
treatments ([greater than or equal to] 2x) were observed for several of
the most common species, such as false mermaid, poison ivy, yellow
trout-lily (Erythronium americanum), red ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)
and spicebush (Fig. 4). All except for red ash were of greater
importance in fenced plots. Species more important in browsed treatments
included cut-leaved toothwort (Cardamine concatenata, IV = 16), spring
beauty (IV = 11) and pawpaw (Asimina triloba, IV = 12). All species of
greater importance in browsed plots were native, ranging from low
quality species like small-flowered agrimony (Agrimonia parviflora, C =
2) and spring-beauty (C = 2) to the higher quality species pawpaw (C =
6) and sugar maple (Acer saccharum, C = 6).
A substantial number of species were restricted to either browsed
or fenced treatments (Table 2). Twenty-two species were found only in
the fenced treatments, while 15 were restricted to the browsed
treatments. The average coefficient of conservatism of
treatment-specific species was significantly higher in the fenced plots
than in the browsed plots (t = 1.75, P = 0.045). Six of the 21 species
(29%) unique to the fenced treatment had notably high coefficients of
conservatism (C >6) and there was only one non-native species unique
to the fenced treatments. The browsed treatments had only one unique
high C value species (8%) and three unique non-natives.
Tree Recruitment
Most canopy tree species in Sharon Woods have continued seedling
recruitment, with the overall tree population exhibiting a reverse
J-shaped size distribution (Fig. 5). At the Spring Hollow site,
seedlings and saplings smaller than 10.0 cm dbh were more plentiful in
the browsed treatment than the fenced treatment, but at the Bike Trail
site the reverse was true. At the Swamp site, there was no apparent
effect of browsing on any size class. These contrasting results were due
to the differential success of individual tree species under browsing
pressure, some of which were absent from one or two of the sites (Asnani
2003). Overall, sugar maple, pawpaw, American beech (Fagus grandifolia),
ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana) and hop-hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana) all
increased in abundance in the browsed treatment (Fig. 6). Conversely,
bitternut hickory (Carya cordiformis) and red ash were more successful
in the fenced treatment. American elm (Ulmus americana) and slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) recruited equally well under browsing pressure as under
protection, while red maple (Acer rubrum) and pin oak (Quercus
palustris) did not appear to be recruiting at all.
Forest floor plant cover had not fully recovered under reduced
browsing pressure in at least two of the three habitats we sampled at
Sharon Woods. At all of the sites, understory vegetation had the
potential for at least 75-95% cover, but at the Bike Trail and Spring
Hollow sites the largest proportion of browsed plots had only 5-25%
cover. At Spring Hollow, vegetation in the browsed plots was the
sparsest, with 70% of browsed plots being in the 5-25% cover category.
Spring Hollow supports the most species in the Liliaceae and
Orchidaceae, families known to be especially susceptible to browsing
(Miller and others 1992).
We saw consistent trends toward greater richness (S) and floristic
quality (FQAI) in fenced treatments, an indication that some of the more
sensitive species capable of regenerating under complete protection had
not yet recovered under the reduced browsing pressure of the current
deer management regimen. While both higher (C [greater than or equal to]
6) and lower quality species, including several non-natives, have been
favored in fenced treatments, deer browsing more severely limits the
regeneration of higher quality species at Sharon Woods. There were some
notable exceptions, however. Sugar maple and pawpaw are both
conservative woody species (C = 6) that were more frequent in browsed
compared to fenced plots. Other researchers have observed sugar maple to
be non-preferred by deer (Strole and Anderson 1992; Anderson and Katz
1993) while horticulturalists recommend pawpaw for use in areas where
deer damage is a concern (Fargione and others 1991). Surprisingly,
consistent trends toward reduced species diversity (H') and
evenness (1/d) were noted in the fenced treatments. This was evidently
caused by the numerical, as opposed to spatial, abundance of the
mat-forming diminutive spring ephemeral false mermaid.
Browsing-induced differences in species composition also were
reflected in the unique species occurring in both treatments, most of
which were not abundant enough to be represented in frequency or
abundance data. Unique fenced treatment species, such as Michigan lily
(Lilium michiganense), showy orchis (Orchis spectabilis), and may-apple
(Podophyllum peltatum) had a higher mean C than did unique browsed
treatment species, which also included more non-natives. These
conservative species may increase in overall abundance at Sharon Woods,
given additional time to recover from browsing pressure. Augustine and
Frelich (1998) demonstrated the potential for a re-introduced sensitive
species to exist at low deer density in their study on Trillium spp. in
Minnesota. Transplant experiments revealed that there was no significant
difference in proportion of transplants retaining leaves between
protected and unprotected plants at low deer density (4
deer/[km.sup.2]). It is therefore possible that recovery can occur in
unprotected areas of Sharon Woods at an appropriate deer density.
While woody species as a whole did not appear to be declining at
Sharon Woods, subtle shifts in composition may be occurring, evidenced
by reduced abundance Qf oaks and greater abundance of American beech,
sugar maple, and pawpaw in browsed compared to fenced treatments. With
the exception of red maple and pin oak, all tree species present in
sufficient numbers showed a reverse J-shaped distribution, indicating
that new trees were being recruited. Species categorized as
slow-growing, shade tolerant, and long lived (Tilghman 1989; Waller and
Alverson 1997; Sutherland and others 2000), that is, sugar maple,
ironwood, American beech, hop-hornbeam, and pawpaw, generally recruited
more in browsed than in fenced treatments. It is probable that shade
tolerance and unpalatability contribute to the success of these species
under disturbed conditions and they could interfere with regeneration of
more sensitive, less shade tolerant oaks (Anderson and Katz 1993;
DeCalesta 1994; Waller and Alverson 1997). In Illinois, heavy shading
from both sugar maple and pawpaw inhibited regeneration of white oak
(Quercus alba) (Shotola and others 1992) and strong competition from
pawpaw restricted the regeneration of other canopy species as well
(Robertson and others 1978).
It is likely that substantial species recovery has taken place in
Sharon Woods, as species diversity was not significantly reduced, and
nearly all major woody species were recruiting. However, vegetation
cover in general was significantly lower in some browsed areas and there
was a consistent trend toward reduced species richness and floristic
quality in browsed treatments in all three habitats. Shifts in species
composition have occurred toward more disturbance and shade-tolerant
species that may inhibit regeneration of more palatable, sensitive
species. Both those successful but less desirable species, and the more
sensitive species, such as white trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) and
showy orchis, should be monitored for long-term changes in abundance.
Reintroduction should be considered for species that are slow to become
established on their own.
Though the appropriate deer density for Sharon Woods cannot be
directly predicted by this study, inferences can be made from the
condition of the vegetation. In this study, herbaceous species and woody
species seemed to be limited by different factors. Greater sapling and
tree seedling abundance in browsed treatments indicates that the
regeneration of many tree species is not being limited by herbivory, but
may be limited by competition inside fenced treatments, since there was
significantly greater cover of forest floor species inside exclosures.
This greater vegetation cover under protection from browsing also
suggests that forest floor species are limited by herbivory. Herbs and
woody vegetation have different levels of tolerance for browsing where
herbaceous species are most sensitive to overbrowsing because they
cannot outgrow herbivores (Alverson and others 1988).
Ecosystem-level tolerance to herbivory is quantified by the concept
of relative deer density (RDD). DeCalesta and Stout (1997) defined RDD
as a proportion of carrying capacity (K) where the RDD appropriate for
sustained timber productivity (RDDt) is 20-39% of K, whereas the RDD
appropriate for sustained biodiversity (RDDs), which includes all plant
species, is less than 20% of K. Since the majority of tree species in
Sharon Woods are successfully recruiting, it can be inferred that deer
density did not greatly exceed RDDt, but it almost certainly does not
meet RDDs. For forests lacking additional forage provided by
agricultural fields, K was estimated at 25 deer/[km.sup.2] (DeCalesta
and Stout 1997), which corresponds well to findings from studies in
northern Wisconsin and northeastern Illinois (Alverson and others 1988;
Anderson 1994; Balgooyen and Waller 1995) where 4-6 deer/[km.sup.2] were
recommended. Deer density estimates fluctuate at Sharon Woods, but 10-20
deer/[km.sup.2] was the last estimate we obtained (A. Shaw, personal
communication). The condition of herbaceous vegetation indicates this is
not an appropriate density for full recovery of biodiversity, though
further monitoring of this vegetation type is essential to gauge its
recovery. We conclude that as a first step to restoring biodiversity at
Sharon Woods, consideration should be given to further reducing deer
density to 4-6 deer/[km.sup.2].
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank James Stahl, John Watts, and Allison Shaw
for encouraging this study and for providing information about the
natural resources of Sharon Woods. James McCormack helped identify
plants and Allison Snow' assisted with experimental design and
Alverson WS, Waller DM, Solheim SL. 1988. Forests too deer: edge
effects in northern Wisconsin. Conserv Biol 2:348-58.
Anderson RC. 1994. Height of white-flowered trillium (Trillium
graudiflorum) as an index of deer browsing intensity. Ecological
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Anderson RC, Katz AJ. 1993. Recovery of browse-sensitive tree
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Ohio. Columbus (OH): Ohio Environ Protection Agency, Div of Surface
Water, Wetland Ecology Group. 147 p.
Asnani KM. 2003. Regeneration of woodland vegetation after deer
browsing in Sharon Woods Metro Park, Franklin County, Ohio [MS thesis].
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Augustine DJ, Frelich LE. 1998. Effects of white-tailed deer on
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Balgooyen CP, Waller DM. 1995. The use of Clintonia borealis and
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DeCalesta DS. 1994. Deer and diversity in Allegheny hardwood
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DeCalesta DS, Stout SL. 1997. Relative deer density and
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Dengg EL. 2002. Cuyahoga Valley National Park 2001, Deer Exclosure
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Fargione MJ, Curtis PD, Richmond ME. 1991. Resistance of woody
ornamental plants to deer damage. Publication 147HGFSS00.00. Ithaca
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Miller SG, Bratton SP, Hadidian J. 1992. Impacts of white-tailed
deer on endangered and threatened vascular plants. Nat Areas J 12:67-74.
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Rooney TP, Dress WJ. 1997. Species loss over sixty-six years in the
ground layer vegetation of Heart's Content, an old-growth forest in
Pennsylvania, USA. Nat Areas J 17:287-305.
Shafer-Nolan AL. 1997. The science and politics of deer
overabundance at Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area. Ohio.
Wildlife Soc Bull 25:457-61.
Shotola SJ, Weaver GT, Robertson PA, Ashby WC. 1992. Sugar maple
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Amer Midland Nat 127:125-38.
Strole TA, Anderson RC. 1992. White-tailed deer browsing: species
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Sutherland EK. Hale BJ, Hix DM. 2000. Defining species guilds in
the Central Hardwood Forest, USA. Plant Ecol 147:1-19.
Tilghman N. 1989. Impacts of white-tailed deer on forest
regeneration in northwestern Pennsylvania. J Wildlife Mgmt 53:524-32.
Waller DM. Alverson WS. 1997. The white-tailed deer: a keystone
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Webster CR, Jenkins MA, Parker GR. 2001. A field test of herbaceous
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(1) Manuscript received 15 April 2004 and in revised form 10 June
2005 (#04-12).
(2) Corresponding Author: Department of Evolution, Ecology, and
Organismal Biology, 1465 Mt. Vernon Avenue, The Ohio State University,
Marion. OH 43302. Voice: 740-389-6786, Fax: 614-292-5817, Email:
[email protected]
Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH 43210.
Groundcover species diversity (H'), evenness (1/d), richness (S),
and quality (FQAI) in browsed (B) and fenced (F) treatments at
three sites at Sharon Woods. Mean [+ or -] (SE), n = 10. There
were no statistically significant differences between treatments
(ANOVA, P > 0.05).
Trail Hollow Swamp
Index B F B F B F
H' 1.19 1.06 1.45 1.19 1.06 0.97
(0.17) (0.12) (0.10) (0.16) (0.17) (0.15)
1/d 1.99 1.65 2.16 1.89 1.78 1.56
(0.34) (0.17) (0.15) (0.35) (0.17) (0.26)
S 8.40 10.00 8.90 12.10 7.50 9.10
(1.50) (0.91) (0.99) (1.66) (1.24) (1.95)
FQAI 6.74 7.96 10.62 12.70 7.73 7.83
(0.67) (0.94) (0.78) (1.10) (1.03) (1.36)
Species unique to browsed and fenced treatments at
Sharon Woods Metro Park arranged in decreasing
order of coefficient of conservatism (C).
Treatment-specific species
Browsed C Fenced C
Aesculus glabra 6 Fraxinus nigra 7
Hamamelis virginiana 5 Orchis spectabilis 7
Sanguinaria 5 Asarum candense 6
Trillium sessile 5 Caltha palustris 6
Galium concinnum 5 Dicentra cucullaria 6
Dioscorea villosa 4 Lilium michiganense 6
Galium circaezans 4 Cornus florida 5
Senecio aureus 4 Euonymus obovatus 5
Agrimonia parviflora 2 Phryma leptostachya 5
Claytonia virginica 2 Polemonium caeruleum 5
Viburnum recognitum 2 Rosa palustris 5
Oxalis stricta 0 Solidago flexicaulis 5
Catalpa bignonioides ([dagger]) Trillium grandflorum 5
Rhamnus cathartica ([dagger]) Phlox divaricata 4
Viburnum opulus ([dagger]) Podophyllum peltatum 4
Smilacina racemosa 4
Ribes cynosbati 3
Sambucus canadensis 3
Sanicula trifoliata 3
Celastrus scandens 2
Erigeron 2
Lonicera tatarica ([dagger])
Mean C 3.67 4.67
([dagger]) introduced species