Letter from Praia, 1978.
Marks, Ed
The visitor who arrives in Cape Verde is struck first of all by the
barrenness: ten years of drought have reduced the islands to a state of
nature strongly resembling pictures of the moon. Brown is everywhere the
dominant color and the isolated spots of green are almost shocking in
their vividness. Most visitors react with a feeling of depression,
followed by a real sense of pity and admiration for the inhabitants of
the islands. The inevitable question is: but how do they survive? The
answer is barely, and largely with the help from abroad: from the
expatriate Cape Verdean communities and from foreign aid.
Next one is struck by the realization that except in a geographic
sense Cape Verde is not an African country. It is a small, poor,
Portuguese province, adrift off the coast of Africa. The Cape Verdean
peasant may be no better educated nor in any sense richer that his
counterpart on the coast of Africa, but he is not an African, he does
not belong to the cultural and tribal culture which, with local
variations, exists from one end of Africa to the other.
Cape Verde has a distinctive culture of its own; rich in music,
literature, and a whole bag of cultural identification and memories. But
this culture is clearly a regional or provincial version of the broader
Portuguese culture and differs no more from the "norm" than
the traditional provinces of the Metropole itself.
However, geography is determinant and Cape Verde as a political and
economic nation-state has taken its place on the international scene as
an African country. It talks African internationally, and has tied its
economic future to West African regional economic organization. It is
difficult to see how it could do otherwise.
There is another link to the African continent, which is peculiar
to Cape Verde. Portuguese West Africa, now the Republic of
Guinea-Bissau, has often been described as having been a Cape Verdean
rather than a metropolitan colony. The administrative and commercial
sectors of the colony were heavily staffed by Cape Verdeans who had
obeyed the economic imperative of the islands to emigrate. It was from
within this group that the independence movement arose, and the
independence of both Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde was won by an ethnic
Cape Verdean rebellion fought on the mainland, but in the name of both
Cape Verde Flag
The present leadership in Guinea-Bissau is largely Cape Verdean in
ethnic and cultural background and the single political party, which
rules both countries, is formally committed to unification. This
commitment appears increasingly illusory as time passes and, given the
fundamental cultural differences between them not to mention practical
problems relating to geographic distance and institutional inertia,
always may have been an unrealistic dream.
In any case, independence has meant relatively little change in
Cape Verde to date. Cape Verde--as a country, as a culture, as an
identity--existed prior to independence. A large amount of foreign
economic assistance has been forthcoming, but it probably does not at
the moment exceed that amount of economic flow, which came from Portugal
in the final years of the colonial period. To the average Cape Verdean
life is unchanged as his status and personal sense of identity remained
the same. This is not to say that the future does not forestall
significant reform and the building of a new nation. Outside influences
are beginning to play a role forbidden by the colonial regime and the
international environment in which Cape Verde now lives is dramatically
Although isolated geographically and until recently politically and
culturally, Cape Verde nevertheless also has a long tradition of family
connections with the outside world. As mentioned previously, the
islands' traditional poverty--dating from at least the heyday of
the slave trade--has created a national vocation for immigration. There
are more Cap Verdean resident outside the islands than within. Dakar
alone has a Cape Verdean community larger than that of the capital city
of Praia. There are large communities in Portugal and Holland, not to
mention the largest of all in the United States. There still remains a
sizeable number of Cape Verdeans in Angola, although many have returned
to Cape Verde or gone to Lisbon since Angolan independence. At any one
time, about 800 Cape Verdeans work on Western European merchant ships,
and a new immigrant community (largely of young girls) of more than
9,000 has grown in Rome as the Italians discovered the virtues and
availability of Cape Verdean maids.
Most of these communities retain extremely close ties with the
mother country. They were in fact an early version of Europe's
"guest worker" communities. Their regular remittance of funds
to their families at home has always been a major source of the
islands' income.
The American community is somewhat different, as it has
increasingly become a permanent emigration. The American Cape Verdeans
originally came from the islands of Fogo and Brava and the latter island
is becoming almost depopulated as the old tradition of returning to Cape
Verde to live out one's final days is dying out. Certainly
independence and the passing of the old timers have contributed to this,
but another factor has been the Americanization of the second and third
generations. In any case, Brava in particular exudes a lonely atmosphere
with its numerous deserted houses built by emigrants to the U.S for
their old age, and now left empty.
The differing overseas emigration destinations of the various
islands reflect the still significant regionalism, which is felt by
residents of the different Cape Verde islands. Cape Verdeans identify
themselves by their islands as much as anything else. There is even a
local version of the New York--Washington competition. Although the
capital of Praia is now almost as large as the major port of Mindelo on
Sao Vicente Island, the evident prosperity and sophistication
(comparative) of the latter creates a strong feeling of superiority on
the part of the Mindelense. Mindelo was and still is the home of the old
merchant and seafaring classes, and was the center of conservative
opposition to the PAIGC and the idea of independence. The government
still views Mindelo with some suspicion, particularly since the majority
of the current leadership are themselves Mindelense. As the true capital
of Cape Verde in the colonial days, even though Praia was the
administrative center, it was there that the Cape Verdean elite was
largely formed. Some of that elite became the leaders of the
independence movement.
The "Portugueseness" of Cape Verde is also very evident
in the operational style of the government. The preoccupation with
official documents is prevalent. The oratorical style of the leadership
is more so. President Pereira's speech to the Third Party Congress
in Bissau last November lasted over nine hours. Guinea-Bissau President
Cabral's speech to the Guinea-Bissau National Assembly topped that
at ten and one-half hours. (He too is a Cape Verdean). Although the
current national dress is a citified form of safari suit, Cape Verdean
delegations boarding airplanes for Europe are resplendent in well-cut
three-piece suits from Lisbon. (Having been burnt once or twice, Cape
Verdean receptions committees meeting Senegalese delegations at the
airport are now also well turned out in suits, white shirts, and dark
There is an old saying that Portugal is a family not a country.
This is even truer of Cape Verde, and the extended family includes the
overseas communities. It sometimes seems that everyone has a relative in
the U.S., from the President of the Republic to the Embassy chauffeur.
Following Prime Minister Pires' speech at Boston University last
October every member of his delegation asked permission to go and see
relatives. One of the Prime Minister's closest advisors, a fairly
radical young party type, walked up to the Prime Minister in his hotel
room and, with a big grin on his face, asked permission to "go home
for dinner." His father lives in Boston.
There is a very active small town social life in Praia, but one
from which foreigners are largely excluded. The new leadership is
sufficiently Cap Verdean to follow the local tradition of extra-marital
liaisons, and some of the most senior ministers have installed young
ladies in their own or other houses.
The level of literacy is reasonably high by African standards, with
an estimated 20 percent literacy rate. Although Cape Verdean women are
kept in their place in the Latin tradition, there are in fact many quite
sophisticated and well-educated women in the islands. Curiously,
women--mostly Cape Verdean--play a larger and more prominent public and
social role in Guinea-Bissau than in Cape Verde. This probably is merely
another manifestation of Cape Verde's essentially old-fashioned
Portuguese cultural style.
The Government's political attitudes are still very much in a
formative stage. Most of the senior leadership, and certainly President
Pereira, are essentially moderate men although wedded to the
"progressive" world view of the Third World. There is a poorly
defined younger group who are purportedly more radical, and the Minister
of Defense Silvino da Luz is reported to be their standard bearer. We do
not really know much yet about them, but da Luz himself is clearly
oriented towards close ties with the Soviet Union.
Cape Verdeans in general as well as the Government in particular
were clearly pleased by the opening of the American Embassy early last
year. With only a moderate amount of pushing, the Government agreed to
meet our desperate housing needs by building four new houses for our
use. Designed by the one local architect, Lisbon-trained thirty years
ago, the houses are a bit bizarre, but nevertheless they are now one of
the sights of Praia. (We shall have to do something about masking them.)
In sum, Cape Verde is a rather unique little country. Although all
former colonies present a facade dating from the former Metropolis
(croissants in Brazzaville, steak and kidney pie in Lusaka), Cape Verde
is a profoundly Portuguese little community--but Portuguese of a
previous generation despite the fashionable political rhetoric.
Surrounded by seawater, the islands are virtual desert and the
Government has vague ambitions of fostering tourism and commercial
fishing. The country in perspective is a mixture of centuries-long
political and cultural isolation and an equally long tradition of humble
working class emigration for work. It is European in background, but
with traditions from a Europe which no longer exists. It is located in
Africa and accepts the implication of this geography. And finally, its
location makes it a potentially important strategic location for
military use by a major power. All in all, it would seem the new
Government of the old country of Cape Verde finds itself with a puzzling
and difficult set of problems and concerns. As they are a nice
people--tenacious, hard working, and serious--one can only wish them the
best of luck.
Letter from Praia, 1979 follows in our next issue.
About the Author: Ed Marks served more than 40 years in the U. S.
Foreign Service, including an assignment as ambassador to Guinea-Bissau
and Cape Verde. He graduated from Michigan and Oklahoma universities and
attended the National War College. Retiring in 1995, he subsequently
served on detail to the U. S. Pacific Command. He is currently a Senior
Fellow at the Joint Forces Staff College and a member of the American
Diplomacy board.
Editor's Note: The is first of two "Letters" from
Praia, the capital of the former Portuguese colony of Cape Verde off the
west coast of Africa. The author was accredited to the island nation
while simultaneously Ambassador to Guinea-Bissau.-Ed.