摘要:In this study we determined and compared coyote diet within and out of the Mapimí Biosphere Reserve.We collected 201 coyote scats, 62 in the dry season and 139 in the rainy season from March 2000 to March 2001.Samples were analyzed for the general area and by sites. We identified 50 and 45 items for the dry and rainy season,respectively. Out of 299 items identified for the dry season and 894 for the rainy season, the more frequent itemswere arthropods, mainly Acrididae, Cicadellidae, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera; mammals, mainly Lepus californicusand Sylvilagus audubonii. Plant material, reptiles and birds were less frequently consumed items. Mammals providedthe greatest biomass, 86.5% in the dry season and 72.5% in the rainy season. Plant material was consumed morefrequently at less modified sites. These results support the idea that coyote is a generalist, omnivore and opportunistpredator, with a strong tendency to consume arthropods during the whole year, although the greatest biomass isobtained from mammals.
关键词:Bolsón de Mapimí;season;Chihuahuan Desert;Bolsón de Mapimí;temporada;desierto chihuahuense