摘要:This article presents the results of a research on the history of the Education sciences ma- jor in the Universidad nacional de La Pla- ta, in its 100th anniversary. For this purpose we carry out an historical analysis based on data from study plans, chronicles of mee- tings, minutes of conferences, and specialized bibliography of the Universidad nacional de La Plata, where the Education sciences ma- jor was first founded in Argentina. The arti- cle organizes the history of the profession in four stages and presents the educational sce- nario that characterizes each one of them, the education of the graduates, and the professio- nal practices used. The conclusions are aimed to acknowledge that the characteristics of the education and the professional inclusion spa- ces of late grant a new configuration of the Education sciences major.
关键词:education sciences;education;professional practices;professional field;Ciencias de la Educación;formación;prácticas profesionales;campo profesional;Ciências da Educação;formação;práticas profissionais;campo doi: 10.11144/Javeriana.mys20-40.ceun El artículo es producto de la tesis doctoral «A cien años de la fundación de las Ciencias de la Educación en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata: estrategi