出版社:Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre
摘要:Life of any automobile engine is largely dependent on the purity as well as the optimum ratios of their fuels, viz. petrol, diesel and ethanol. A device working on the electrical metamaterial concept, namely a complementary split ring resonator (CSRR), operating at 2.47 GHz (ISM band), is proposed to detect kerosene adulteration in petrol. Kerosene was varied upto 30 per cent with minimum detection limit as low as 10 per cent. Systematic shifts in the transmission resonance frequency were observed. The sensing was fast and the recovery was instantaneous. The underlying concept of interference of electromagnetic radiation through the CSRR circuit and its further manipulation with the changes in the dielectric ambience is elaborated.
关键词:Electrical metamaterials, complementary split ring resonator, adulteration, flex fuel sensors