出版社:Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
摘要:In this essay an analysis is carried out on the Fisher Effect upon the colombian economy during 1980-2000 taking the quarterly data of nominal interest rate and the inflation rateo Our results show that the nominal interest rate and the inflation rate have a unitary root, that they have a cointegral relation, this is a long-run relationship and that the variations in inflation upon the nominal interest rate are in the form of one to one. Thus, our results suggest that during the period analysed (1980-2000) increments in inflation, on the long-run (20 years) are entirely transmited to the nominal interest rate.
关键词:Fisher Effect;neutralily;inflation;interest rate;cointegration and liquidity trap;Efecto Fisher;neutralidad;inflación;tasa de interés;cointegración;y trampa de liquidez