摘要:Volumen VI - 2006 ISSN 1870-4654 LOS CURSOS DE AGUA COMPARTIDOS ENTRE MÉXICO Y LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA Y LA VARIABLE MEDIOAMBIENTAL. UNA APROXIMACIÓN * Marisol ANGLÉS HERNÁNDEZ ** This paper examines U.S.-Mexico relations regarding border waters. In the semi-arid border region from Mexico-U.S. the tensions about the use of water, its pollution, and its equitable distribution have increased. Even though there are many obstacles, the cooperation on management of shared resources and jointly addressing transboundary environmental problems has gotten strengthen gradually. The author shows some of the successes and failures of the ambitious border policy initiatives and treaties about the border and emphasizes that Mexico and the U.S. face a great challenge, certainly, it is necessary to consider climatic change to may define planning strategies for water management, and its equitable distribution; urban development, and improvement of the environment in the border area. * Agradezco las observaciones y comentarios del doctor Rodolfo Cruz Miramontes, ya que gracias a ellos este artículo tomó una nueva dirección y pudo enriquecerse. ** Académica del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM, doctoranda del Programa "Derecho Ambiental", Universidad de Alicante, España; becaria de la Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico de la UNAM, [email protected] * Nota: Debido que la traducción es automática podrá ser inexacta o contener errores.