出版社:Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
摘要:This article proposes a reflection on a debate that is generating an important theorical and empirical production: the care. In the first place, the specificity of care is explored from a point of view that includes, besides the material aspects, affective and moral ones. It stands out the complexity of care at the different dimensions that operate in this concept. Second: care is changing in our society, starting from the massive and durable arrival of women to the labor market. In the families women are mainly responsible or caring for aged population, children and other fragile people. As to this moment care has not been reorganized among the genders, they have been the women of different generations who have articulated its solidarities with available state help or appealing to the market to cover the necessities of its relatives. Howevwe, the graving deficit in the provision of family care seems to approach a point of not sustainability in the near future. Propoal of “social care” offer institutional articulation between private solidarities and public duties in the allotment of family care so tha society in general can bear to the participation of women in the labour work. This implying the return of moral responsibility in the politics of care.