摘要:The species richness and geographic distribution of the family Aeshnidae (Odonata) in the state ofAguascalientes is presented. A total of 168 adult individuals from 55 localities were collected during a 12 monthsperiod between August 2006 and July 2007. They belong to four genera and seven species. The genus Rhionaeschnashowed the highest number of species (3), followed by Anax (2), Aeshna (1) and Remartinia (1). Specific richness ofthe family Aeshnidae in the state of Aguascalientes corresponds to the 11.9% of all Odonata species recorded for thestate and 23.3% of the species recorded of this family for México. The species accumulation curve is stabilized, butaccording to Chao 2, Jacknife 1 and Jacknife 2 non-parametric estimators, the sampling effort performed estimatesbetween 80.3% and 97.5% of the species of this family that theoretically exist in the state of Aguascalientes. Thelocalities that showed a higher species richness were La Rinconada, stream at Malpaso and Puente La Labor, allbelonging to the municipality of Calvillo, and the Estación Biológica Agua Zarca (EBAZ) in the municipality of SanJosé de Gracia. The distribution of the species reflects three regional patterns: Altiplano Mexicano, Sierra MadreOccidental and Neotropical.