摘要:The study investigated formal and qualitative characteristics of the scientific production on adaptive effi cacy, a concept that refers to the individual’s adaptive resources to face life’s adversities. The documental search was based on the following criteria: (i) temporal: 2002/2012, (ii) electronic databases: SciELO, Pepsic, Index Psi and IBICT and (iii) keywords: adaptive efficacy, operationalized diagnostic adaptive scale, EDAO . The sample consisted of 54 abstracts. The results suggested that publication on the theme was quantitatively higher between 2007-2011. There was a predominance of empirical studies on different issues, such as different illnesses, psychotherapeutic treatment, issues on education and work. The discussion pointed out the applications and the utility of the concept on the research as well as on practical psychology and highlighted its relevance to the psychological diagnosis and to the treatment of patients suffering from different pathologies. Some limitations of the study were identified. Research studies that include other categories of analysis and other databases are suggested. Key words: adaptative operational diagnostic scale, psychological assessment, scientific research.