期刊名称:Cadernos de Pesquisa Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas
摘要:It’s a socio-judical research with sixty judicial decisions of juvenile encarcerament in the years of 2011/2012 in the Youth Courts of Pernambuco. The objective is to identify (or not) ideological codes in the decisions. The research is quantitative and was used, as a methodology, content analysis in order to find the relationships between ideological codes of the judge and the judicial reasoning. The theoretical framework is the Critical Criminology for which criminality is the result of labels assigned to specific individuals through complex processes of social interaction. The conclusion is that the trials are, somehow, linked to stereotypes, which bring consequences to social and self-image of youth, against of what the Doctrine of Integral Protection establishes. Then, it dangerously entails a return to menorism period, making the youth a manipulated object and by the actors of the process.
关键词:Doctrine of Integral Protection. Incarceration Decision Youth Justice;Ideological Codes of the Judge;Critical Criminology;Doutrina da Proteção Integral;Sentença de Medida Socioeducativa de Internação;Códigos Ideológicos do Julgador. Criminologia Crítica